Many women enter pregnancy, coming from a life that feels firmly under their control. That was the case for today’s guest, whose past experience in the world led her to make detailed plans for her home birth. But the stars did not align, and what started out as a home birth ended with a hospital birth attended by a life threatening case of eclampsia.  Luckily, both she and her son survived. For her second birth, she planned to be in the hospital, and again the fates refused to abide--a precipitous labor forced a home birth. Although she and her children are healthy, the chaos of these births required some significant processing--an activity the pandemic made more accessible. She has come out on the other side of these challenging experiences with two beautiful children and a stronger sense of self. Listen to her inspiring story. To get more details on this story, look out for Jules’ book Born in the Beyond, available soon, and follow her on instagram

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