Both of my pregnancies taught me that just because some process is going on in the confines of your body, location does not imply control.

This is also true for my guest today.  To some degree, I think that if her timeline didn’t unfold in the very specific way it did, she would not have ended up where she did--the mother of two healthy girls. On the way to this outcome, she experiences both the best and the worst pregnancy “luck”.  Overall this story is one of good luck, because she is alive to tell it. Today’s guest did not endure one, but two tubal ectopic pregnancies. Often these types of pregnancies can be handled with medication, but if that route fails, as it did in her case, they require immediate surgical intervention to prevent a rupture, which can lead to internal bleeding and other emergency circumstances. Today’s guest was forced onto the hardest route out of an ectopic; and it’s the way she handled these pregnancy complications that makes her story one of incredible perseverance and resilience that she likely didn’t realize she embodied.

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