Teenage girls are repeatedly told that pregnancy could fall on them at any moment. Caution is the watchword. But often when those young women grow up, pregnancy is nowhere to be found. That was the experience of today’s guest. When she and her partner set out to start a family, month after month, the pregnancy tests were negative. After some fertility testing the doctors believed that they had nailed down the issue, and almost as soon as it was discovered, my guest got pregnant, and her son was born 9 months later. When her newborn was 6 months old they set out to have another child, only to be stymied again. They undertook the challenging and expensive processes of IVF--which did not end in a pregnancy.  Once she had emotionally accepted that she would not have another child, she got pregnant again. She and her partner then went on to help another couple realize their dream of starting a family in a way that could only be written by the fates. Listen to her inspiring story.

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