It seems self evident that most doctors would agree that being the doctor and being the patient are two entirely different experiences. And being the patient as a doctor is a third, different path. Today’s guest is an OB, and got pregnant with her first daughter when she was still in residency. Unlike many guests, she probably knew too much about the world she was stepping into--which led her to have an anxious first pregnancy. As it turned out, that anxiety was well placed, as she did run into some complications in that pregnancy, and a delivery at 32 weeks. But what she learned from that first experience informed her next one, which was a much smoother ride. Dr. Rankins and I discuss advice she gives to mother’s to be, and the crisis in maternal health facing women of color. We are joined by a senior policy analyst at the Center for American Progress who offers her insights on racial inequality in maternal health. Listen to this inspiring story.

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