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Happier at Home Guide - 5 easy steps you can take today to tidy up, take back your sanity, and thrive at home.

The Home Systems Power Pack - our entire library of helpful tools and resources for clearing out the clutter, organizing your home, and simplify your daily activities at home.

Vibrant Home Academy - a game-changing course designed to help you take control of your home so you let go of the overwhelm and live a full and vibrant life.

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Happy by MBB

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If you've struggled to declutter in the past, it's likely you had some negative mindsets holding you back. Your mindset and how you think about decluttering or letting things go can make or break your decluttering success.

Shining a light on what's holding you back is important because you cannot change something unless you know what you want to change. But, once you've uncovered the problem you need the solution.

That's where these strategies come in. From not knowing where to start to having a family who's not on board with letting go, this episode dives into how to solve your biggest decluttering problems.

If you want your home to be tidier and happier and your life to be simpler with less stress, decluttering the items that do not add value to your life is a great place to start.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will also help you discover:

- The 9 simplest ways to overcome your tough decluttering roadblocks

- Why it's so important to get your mindset right when decluttering

- What to do when you feel overwhelmed by clutter

- How to tackle sentimental clutter head on without feeling guilty

- The best way to approach your family when you want to simplify your home and life


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And if you enjoyed today’s episode, it would make my day if you left me a review too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Let me know what your favorite part of the show is. Thank you!

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