Lois Strachan is a bestselling author, motivational speaker, disability advocate, blogger, accessible travel podcaster,  and sometime rock musician. And she is totally blind, having lost her sight at the age of 21 as a result of childhood-onset diabetes.  

Lois uses her personal story to enable audiences to gain techniques to adapt to change, develop resilience and overcome challenges they encounter in business and life.

She has learned techniques for adapting to life-changing experiences and has identified five ways to continue moving forwards and overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. "You only need to figure out the first steps, and the rest will develop from there".

You can reach Lois Strachan via her website www.loisstrachan.com 

Contact Lois Wagner and book a free discussion to discuss your healing journey and to fly free. http://walkingwithoutskin.com/


Walking without Skin is a song inspired by the work of Lois Wagner. Walking Without Skin was composed by Steve Siler of Music for the Soul and features Denise Green. It is our hope that the song will encourage and empower women as they journey on the road to healing. You may stream the song here or download it for $1.29. https://www.musicforthesoul.org/resources/walking-without-skin/
