Joshua Shea is a pornography addiction expert, certified betrayal trauma coach, and the author of three books about pornography addiction, including He’s a Porn Addict…Now What? An Expert and Former Addict Answers Your Questions (2019).

He works full-time as a certified betrayal trauma coach with the Post Betrayal Trauma Institute in New York.

Prior to admitting his 24-year addiction to pornography in 2014, Joshua was a prominent magazine publisher, award-winning journalist, film festival founder, and politician in central Maine. Since 2018, Joshua has given more interviews about pornography addiction and betrayal trauma than anybody in the world. To date, he has appeared on nearly 300 podcasts, television and radio shows using his wealth of research and personal story to speak about his experiences with pornography addiction and betrayal trauma – both as betrayed and betrayer.

In 2017, Joshua launched He has also contributed articles about recovery to and Recovery Today magazine, is a TEDx Talk speaker, and has developed and presents a porn addiction education lecture for colleges, libraries, and other groups.

Other books by Shea include Porn and the Pandemic: How Three Months in 2020 Changed Everything, released July 2020 and The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About: How I Let My Pornography Addiction Hurt People and Destroy Relationships (2018) and as a contributor of From Hardened to Healed (2021).

Reach out to Joshua:

Contact Lois Wagner and book a free discussion to discuss your healing journey and to fly free.


Walking without Skin is a song inspired by the work of Lois Wagner. Walking Without Skin was composed by Steve Siler of Music for the Soul and features Denise Green. It is our hope that the song will encourage and empower women as they journey on the road to healing. You may stream the song here or download it for $1.29.
