Celeste Louw is a wife, mother, grandmother, healing guide, trainer, activist, biker, and author.

From a position of personal experience and hands-on assistance with domestic violence, abuse, and sexual assault case she has not only life experience as a survivor, but a demonstrated track record of working with diverse client populations in one-on-one and group settings.

A founder and director of a non-profit company (2011), Optimystic Bikers against Abuse, Celeste brings the Biker Code to all her endeavours fulfilling her life's purpose by dedicating herself to the promotion of connected humanity and healing.

Committed to changing the world, one person at a time, Celeste is the definition of an OptiMyst.

Healing is a priority, not a nice-to-have.  To change the world we need to start by changing ourselves and the way we perceive the world.  To create real, sustainable change that happens one person at a time by sharing our knowledge and rebuilding connections in a disconnected world.

Reach out to Celeste: https://www.facebook.com/JourneyingMyWay/

Contact Lois Wagner to sponsor or participate in the BE BRAVE programme to help eradicate bullying, harassment, sexual and gender-based violence: http://walkingwithoutskin.com/brave-men/


Walking without Skin is a song inspired by the work of Lois Wagner. Walking Without Skin was composed by Steve Siler of Music for the Soul and features Denise Green. It is our hope that the song will encourage and empower women as they journey on the road to healing. You may stream the song here or download it for $1.29. https://www.musicforthesoul.org/resources/walking-without-skin/