At a time in humanity's history when we desperately need mature leaders, we find that our politicians, journalists and influencers are all showing their true colours as helplessly incapable of navigating life and leadership in a mature way.

These are leaders, argues Eivind, who have not successfully separated from the female flesh who gave birth to them, and who are thus very wobbly in their masculine core, overcompensating for fear that they are not truly men.

Could this be what makes it so hard for these uninitiated men to stay embodied and in their heart in times of crisis?

What is for sure is that we have leaders who are disembodied, numb, callous, ritually tone-deaf and spiritually illiterate. This in turn seems to make them indifferent to the suffering of the people as long as they themselves can be free from danger.  And this seems to be central to the human struggles during this pandemic.

Eivind argues that we are currently suffering the consequences of living in a culture without initiation, and this podcast episode really digs into the purpose of initiation and its power to support you men in finding your true life expression.

This episode offers crucial information to any man who wants to step into mature masculinity.

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