Who is the Guest?:
Dr. Shelley Reciniello has spent close to 40 years as a psychologist determined “to give psychology away,” by demystifying psychological and psychoanalytic principles, and providing people and organizations with thoughtful, practical information and methods to change their lives.

Dr. Reciniello was one of the first women in the EAP field, and her business, SRA, was one of the few woman-owned EAP/Consultancy businesses. Psychoanalytically trained, she is presently an active member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO) and the New York State (NYSPA) and American Psychological Associations (APA.)

Dr. Recinello is also author of a best selling and internatnioally recongized book, The Conscious Leader.

Cool Links & Tools:
Web: https://www.drshelleyreciniello.com/
LinkedIn: Dr. Shelley Reciniello 
Youtube: Dr. Shelley Reciniello 

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