Episode 60 - Andrew Kolikoff


Andrew Kolikoff, what a guy! He is a serial entrepreneur and probably one of the most accomplished coaches and networkers I know. In fact, Andrew was one of the first guys I met when I first moved to Phoenix, and it was through him that I very quickly made business contacts and friendships. 


When I say Andrew is a serial entrepreneur, I mean it. He has built and sold 5 companies of his own, and is currently juggling 3 new ones. His resume is extensive and impressive, but perhaps most impressive of all is his ability to create and leverage networks. 


Andrew is a Business Growth coach and founder of The Secret Sauce Society, a by invitation only networking group which is really a lot more like a support group for the highly ambitious. I’ve had the privilege of attending a few of these events and it was an experience to say the least! And I mean that in the best way possible. 

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