Episode 58 - Bill Birgen

Bill Birgen is mad scientist of sorts. He is an engineer, an entrepreneur, and an inventor. Bill has spent over 30 years working in the aerospace industry with a long history of developing aerospace and defense systems, and holding a diverse collection of patents. His contributions include work done for Virgin Galactic, the 747 Supertanker, Smart Armor and a respectable number of classified Department of Defense programs. 

A short while ago, Bill started a company called Soggy Food Sucks. Soggy Food Sucks makes take away food containers that keep crispy food crispy, crunchy food crunchy, and prevents the condensation caused by hot food from making your meal soggy. 

It sounds a little gimmicky, but it works. And not just from a food container perspective. But from a business model as well. Bill’s story is rebellious, humorous, and a bit zainy. Exactly what you’d expect from a mad scientist. 

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