Almost a week ago, I lost the peripheral vision in my left eye. The day started out as any other day would - exciting, as I was tying up loose ends for a Shot Show event and upcoming week of filming. However, things took a turn for the worse when I started seeing some weird flashes of light in my left eye. All of a sudden, it looked like a grey marble had appeared in my vision, except there was no marble and it was actually happening inside my eye.

I called my eye specialist's office within 15 minutes of experiencing symptoms and they told me to come in for a rush visit. I'm so glad I did because it turns out my retina had become detached. This is a very serious issue that can cause permanent blindness, so I'm incredibly lucky that the specialist was able to see me so quickly.

At first, I was really upset that I wouldn't be able to go to Shot Show because I had been looking forward to seeing so many friends there. But then I realized how serious my condition was and I was just grateful that I was getting the treatment I needed.

I had an emergency procedure done while awake in the ophthalmologist's office within the hour. No time to research. I knew I had the best doctor in the area, so I had to go with it. I had vitrectomy surgery. Small microsurgical instruments were introduced into my eye to remove the vitreous gel of the eye. Fluid that leaked underneath my retina was removed and cryopexy was applied to the retina to seal the retinal tear.

Basically, my eye was frozen to form scar tissue around a retinal tear, which acts like glue. Then, a gas bubble was placed to fill the inside of my eye and block fluid from entering the tear. Guys, I had needles shoved in my eye while awake! The first few shots numbed my eye. I had surgery on the white part of my eye, so once it heals, it should look normal again. Immediately after the surgery, the white part of my eye was bloodshot like I'd never seen before. My eye was pretty swollen and the pressure in my eye was 60 at one point.

I had to keep my head tilted to the right at all times for several days. Yesterday was the first day I could position my head upright, but I was extremely dizzy most of the day because I was so used to having my head tilted. The gas bubble that's repairing my eye is also a danger if I'm not extra careful.

I've been very uncomfortable trying to sleep at night because I typically sleep all over the place, including on my stomach. I have to keep pillows under my back so I don't accidentally flip over and cause the gas bubble in my eye to block my line of vision, which would be really bad and basically make me blind if I lay on my back right now.

The bubble will dissolve within another week or so or could last for for a few weeks - everyone’s body processes this differently. Some bubbles last up to 8 weeks. 🫧👁️‍🗨️ I had many gas bubbles in my eye at first but they all come together to form one big bubble during head positioning (the right sided head tilt thing, that’s why you have to keep your head tilted).

I'm glad my retina didn't detach in the air or in Vegas, because if it had, I would have lost the vision in my left eye completely. My doctor told me that if it hadn't been treated right away, I would have had much bigger issues and would more than likely experience complete blindness in my left eye. I still have the bubble in my eye, but as of right now, my vision is the same as it was before the tear, which is great news. My pressure was also stabilized quickly during the procedure. The bubble in my eye is pretty annoying, and laying on my side to sleep sucks, but as of right now, I'm fortunate.

I have to be a couch potato for another week, but then I can start walking for exercise again (gently). Within a few weeks, I'll be able to hit the gym (and a much-needed spa day)!

If you notice any of these symptoms seek help immediately:
Blurred vision, inability to see in dim light, partial loss of vision, seein


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