"What is it you were born to create? What is your unique voice? If the world is a choir, what’s your voice? Because we’re missing it.” – Alexander Inchbald

Alexander Inchbald is an extreme artist and creativity mentor. He paints in challenging conditions around the world, to test the limits of what it takes to be creative everywhere. He has set up his easel in Alpine blizzards in Europe and tropical beach storms in The Caribbean. In doing so, Alexander discovered how to stay grounded while everything around him is changing.

In this conversation, you’ll hear about Alexander's life-changing journey from the depths of despair to a life of connected abundance. Alexander believes the solution to our biggest issues starts at the level of the individual. He describes what he learned practicing Extreme Art and how this can help us all connect with our inner compass, to weather any storm.

Full Show Notes: https://aimeedubrule.com/born-to-create-alex-inchbald/


Website: https://alexander-inchbald.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeCreativeEverywhere
Twitter: https://twitter.com/artisinside
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/becreativeeverywhere/


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Aimée DuBrule, CultureRISE
Host and Producer

Website: https://culturerise.com/
Instagram: @culturerise
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aimeedubrule/

Jenn MacLeod, Jenneve Digital
Media Production

Website: https://jenneve.com/
Twitter: @jennevedigital
Instagram: @Jenneve_Digital
Facebook: @JenneveDigital

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