It's just you and I today! I want to invite you to see things a little differently. To guard your heart, open your mind, and welcome a new way of thinking. 

What if we defined cheating differently? Not normalizing it, not excusing it, just changing our interpretation of it. What if we stopped blaming ourselves and refused to take cheating personally?  What if we changed the language? Instead of saying THEY cheated on ME...switching it to THEY cheated on THEMSELVES.

We're not changing the act of cheating. We're not trying to make it better or worse. We're simply giving ourselves power in the interpretation. By taking away our personal attachment to the act, we're able to look at the situation more objectively. 

Cheating has MORE to do with THEM and LESS to do with YOU!

You can find me...
On Instagram: @wakeupelsie
On Youtube: "Wake Up or Break Up"
On Clubhouse: @elsiebobo
Or my Coaching Page: