Heather Keith was born and bred in Michigan, but nothing could stop this firecracker from becoming a Jersey Girl (whether she likes it or not).  Steve Jobs said you can only connect the dots looking back - and that's exactly what Heather did during this interview.  She understands her life's path, looking back on all the opportunities and challenges that brought her where she is.  Sometimes we can only appreciate the obstacles and hurdles long after they have passed.  Heather is very honest about her personal development path, engaging coaches for business and mindset.  Find out what held her back, what she did about it and what her master plan is.  

Included in this discussion: 

Heather's background in the performing arts
Heather can sing a mean White Rabbit
College activism experience
Mindset: Success vs. Hubris
Law as a lifestyle 
Experience as a child of divorce
Divorce lawyer burnout and what she did about it
Starting a law firm 
Growing the law firm
Finding "happiness"
Getting to know who she really is and what she wants 
Coaching with David Neagle 
Coaching with Amira Alvarez
Coaching with How to Manage a Small Law Firm 
Heather's vision for the future and her master plan
Heather's interest in equine therapy 
Proust Questionnaire 

Find out more about Heather here: www.keithfamilylaw.com/heather-c-keith-esq/

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