Where we come from definitely plays a part in who we are, but it doesn’t need to stop us from moving past the level that we have reached in our lives. Christina’s guest today is Amira Alvarez, a business, mindset, success, and income-acceleration coach. Before working as a coach, Amira came from a background in the corporate world. Despite an impressive salary and fancy title, Amira felt no real connection with what she was doing. She followed the breadcrumbs that led her to become the inspirational coach that she is today!

In this episode, we talk about...

The painting that sits in Amira’s office is a reminder of her unconscious competency

Amira was very receptive to coaching because of her commitment to personal growth

A plethora of factors from childhood play a part in the people that we become

You have to learn to appreciate achievement to appreciate life

Money will only amplify who you are already on a spiritual level

There needs to be someone outside of yourself to call out your blind spots

High goals make many women afraid of the possible failure

We must constantly use self-awareness to battle our subconscious programming

People believe a lie that sales are something you do to someone instead of for someone

It’s very common for people to be resistant to sales training out of fear

Amira made multiple changes that led to her rapid rise as a coach

Investing in yourself is critical to becoming successful

Deciding to move on from a good relationship to grow

Women and men can find independence in a healthy relationship

Fear of rejection and disappointment stop many women from pursuing their dreams

Common problems that stop owners from scaling their businesses

Know what you want and go for it; you get what you go for

Elements that have contributed to Amira’s success as a coach

Life is a journey of constant growth filled with challenges and obstacles

Links to resources:
Amira Alvarez: Podcast Virtual Summit 2020
If you want to know more about me and sign up for my newsletter: www.ChristinaPrevite.com
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