It's been two years since the first #FEMSQUIRE interview we did with New Jersey family lawyer Diana C. Schimmel, Esq. Back then, we were in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and she shared with us how she was balancing her time as a lawyer and mom while navigating the challenges of the pandemic. She’s been doing great since then (and better than ever!) In this episode, Diana, a remarkably empowered woman, shares how she's continued to evolve personally and professionally, which has been a long journey of self-discovery. As a partner at Martine, Katz Scanlon & Schimmel, P.A. @mkssfamilylaw, she has found more efficient ways to manage her law firm and to communicate in a way that empowers her clients and makes them feel heard. She's been a busy woman lately, what with being a mom, lawyer, and entrepreneur as well. But she's also been doing all of these things with an incredible amount of focus and dedication. She is all about helping people who are dealing with difficult circumstances find solutions for their problems through the power of law and justice—which is what makes her so passionate about being a lawyer. Listen to Diana's promising vision for her firm, and don't miss the valuable advice she gives on marriage and communication, plus all the other things she's been up to. Conversations with her are always such a treat!

Included in this conversation:

Her evolution in these two years

How her law firm's efficiency has increased

The importance of innovation in business

How to find balance as a working mom

Silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic

Career lessons she has learned

Key traits of a family lawyer

Letting your work speak for itself

Signs a client is not a good fit for you

A message for young attorneys

Her ideal client

Recognizing red flags

Her exceptional work style

Her career development throughout the years

Marriage tips from a divorce lawyer

What she loves the most about her work

Why you need to trust your law firm partners

The vision she has for her firm

Her bucket list

Find out more about Diana and her law firm here:

Follow Diana on Instagram here: @dschimmy

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