Andy has PCOS and endometriosis and volunteers for Qendo  - a charity based in Queensland, Australia supporting people with endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS and infertility.

Andy and her partner did not use contraception foduring  their four year relationship as Andy felt she would have difficulty becoming pregnant.  

The day Andy went in for her endometriosis/PCOS surgery she discovered she was pregnant, as she was sitting in pre-op all prepped and ready to go.

So her surgery was cancelled and she began a new pathway of being pregnant.  However, she had a strong feeling from the beginning that something was going to go wrong in this pregnancy.

At 12 weeks Andy was alerted by a doctor that something was wrong but it wasn’t properly investigated or diagnosed and the care she received around this was sub-standard.  A month later, Andy discovered that doctor had had his licence cancelled and that he was on drugs the very day he saw her.

A few weeks later (around 17-20 weeks) things became clearer, with a diagnosis of Limb wall body complex for her baby.

Andy had to choose whether to terminate at this point, or carry to term and lose her baby then.

Andy chose to say goodbye to her baby girl at this point and underwent an induction, labour and delivery.  Arielle was born and died.

The placenta wasn’t delivered and Andy had to wait 3-4 hours for the surgery she required, all the while still having strong and frequent contractions.  Following her surgery, Andy was accidently placed in a new mum room complete with a ‘Welcome baby’ package.

Andy buried her grief and struggled with her mental health in the weeks, months and years following.

Sadly her relationship broke up a year after Arielle was born but Andy would love to try again for a family.

Music written and performed by Alan Meharry and Stu Fox

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