Hey gorgeous! In this episode, you’ll learn how impactful waking up early is, why a morning ritual is so important, and tangible tips on how to create one. 

Waking Up Early“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben FranklinAfter I read the book The Secrets To Six-Figure Women, I decided that I wanted to make 100k and knew that I needed to change my habits to get there.I was reading and listening to so many podcasts and kept hearing about how successful people wake up early, so I started to wake up early.Why A Morning Ritual Is So ImportantI read the book The Miracle Morning for Millionaires by Hal Elrod and decided that I needed to start a morning routineSAVERS Method from the Miracle MorningSilence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribingHow To Create OneDO’sStart by waking up 10-15 minutes earlier for a few days or a week, then get up 15 minutes earlier until you find a time that works for youSet an intention the night before “I’m going to get the most rejuvenating sleep and wake up refreshed and ready for the day!”Put your phone across the room so you have to get upIf you’ve got an undefined will, get your partner, roomie, a friend in on it, the more people the better to help keep you accountable if you’re strugglingCheck out Holly's Morning Routine Tribe for accountability! Listen to your bodyDon’t’s No snoozingNo emails, messages, social, news, etc. Negative thoughts, or thinking about the day. This is your time to be presentDecide what you want your morning ritual to look likeWhat makes you feel fulfilled?What do you want to focus on?What do you think will enhance your life?RECAPMost, if not all, successful people get up earlyIf you’re a business owner, this is a MUST! Choose what resonates with you, especially if you have an undefined willGive yourself grace! It takes time to create a habitMake it into a ritual, it feels so much better! 

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