Hey Gorgeous! In this episode, we are going to go over what a genius zone is, how to find it, how to create a Dream Client Persona, and more! 

Check out my freebies, including the Who Am I? Questionnaire!>>>www.waisociety.com/freebieCheck out EMPRESS Alchemy for Hairstylists Personal Development Online Course>>>www.empressalchemist.comWhat is it?Your zone of genius is your unique power. It is a one-of-a-kind quality that you bring to your life and to your work and lets you do certain things better than almost anyone else. - David HassellGay Hendricks identified four different zones of function in his book, The Big Leap. 1. The zone of incompetence: In this zone, you are engaging in something you inherently do not understand or are not skilled at.2. The zone of competence: In this zone, you are doing what you are efficient at, but recognize that many people are likewise efficient at it, thus not distinguishing your capabilities in any significant way.3. The zone of excellence: In this zone, you are doing something you are tremendously skilled at. Often, the zone of excellence is cultivated, it's practiced and established over time.4. The zone of genius: In this zone, you capitalize on your natural abilities which are innate, rather than learned. This is the state in which you get into "flow," find ceaseless inspiration, and seem to not only come up with work that is distinguished and unique, but also do so in a way that excels far and beyond what anyone else is doing.https://www.forbes.com/sites/briannawiest/2018/09/26/how-to-get-into-the-zone-of-genius-and-unlock-your-highest-potential/#4755f3175672Dream Client Persona"Your target audience is not “everyone.” Your task in defining your target group is to identify and understand your particular niche so you can dominate it."- Christina NewberryDetailed description of your perfect clientele as a whole consented in one persona.Give your DCP a story, with intimate details. Humanize them. Describe them like you’d describe your bestie
My DCPWomen in their mid 20’s to mid 30’s with medium to long level 5-8+ hair. She’s a professional, free spirit, maybe an entrepreneur and doesn’t want to be in the salon for hours. She likes to come in every 10 weeks to get her hair done, she wants her hair to look amazing all year long.  She loves low maintenance and natural looks, she wants to stay on trend with her hair. Lived in, natural, and sun-kissed, balayage. She likes creamy, natural colors in her hair, she wants to give me control of her Hair Plan. She’s willing to spend money on her hair and products, she makes between $50,000 - $100,000+. She likes to shop at Madewell, Zara, Nordstrom and vintage shops around town. She buys her makeup at Sephora, Glossier, and boutiques. She loves minimalistic, feminine logos and branding. She wants to connect and feel loved and empowered. She is fun, loving, passionate and lively. She loves to explore Austin, go see live music and art shows, happy hours, and brunch with girlfriends. She loves hiking, she likes to be out and about but she also loves Netflix nights and board games. She is drawn to light, bright colors with a pop.Questions to ask Male or female? Age?What style/vibe do they possess?What do they do for work? What does a typical day look like?What hobbies do they have?Where do they hang out onli