do these 5 things get better  in 2022 - life is a continuous, cumulative  process invest in your wellbeing- for free 🕊🔮🕯✨

& stop following shitty ppl who keep asking you for $$$ 📖🕯☾☪☽✨

happy new year the best time to reset and recharge  follow these 5 simple rules and improve your whole life: 

set boundaries: learn to disconnect, politely say no and learn from my mistakes of being too available - it is ok to give yourself time, light and solo prayer to reconnect with your heart and a clear, healthy mind

meditate : this simple 30 minutes each morning is the best way to improve your health, mental well-being and prevents wrinkles

find a spiritual practice//congregation that works for you: fine the inner light and divine timing that will guide you into 2022. this chapter is important - invest in meaningful practice and less material things 

eat better - we follow my recipes and cleanse in Clean Green Eats - buy it now to reset your whole life 

commit to 8-9 hours of sleep - go to bed at 8pm trust me it will change your whole life 


check out my books: my books, - give a 5 star review and keep shining your bright light! happy 2022 friends xxx ck 
