how to be the resilient light in a time of grief and loss, suffering and struggle:
we are all in the middle -- the gray in the middle, be patient in knowing we all take turns, choose to be there for others

be the light you wish to see in this world 
mental floss w meditation+ nature and a yoga nidra in the afternoon 

dont let the bastards get you down  - we all have to troubleshoot constantly

temporary- all of this pain is temporary  + suffering is a part of lifr

value kindness, empathy compassion+ look to your childhood pain for much of your current suffering

help others when they need it- don't stomp on them, lift them up - be compassionate + practice non violence

be careful who you idolize and who you follow, try to practice non-violence IRL - this keeps us all safe. 

be soft, kinder, more loving - when you speak less, when you speak softly, more will listen - dont be so thirsty

ask others what do they need help with? how can you support them?  how can you be of better service
now, go out into the world and please share this podcast xx ck