10 things I wish I told my Younger Self During the Holidays 

1- be grateful for the small family gatherings, the intimate convos 2, 3, 4 people can have and be grateful for just one person to love and that they love you! the smaller the group the bigger the difference//impact//connections.
2- be grateful for the women that raised you  & you mother's friends! 
3- be grateful for the public library as a child and the free dreams and opportunities books have created for you: thank all the women who write beautiful literature: thank you to the female writers, artists and aspiring ones! 
4- If you are alone, it is okay - you don't need a partner + life is full of opportunities to come 

5- when everyone is healthy - this is life's greatest blessing

6- be grateful for your body that moves, keeps you twerkin, werkin and busy

7- be grateful for the jobs you will one day create and have currently created for yourself - the opportunity comes when you create it

8- be grateful for the painful lessons; breakups, job losses, from high school, college and beyond... pain turns into progress and progress is growth   

9- when there is enough to eat -- this is a blessing  .. you have enough & if you don't don't be afraid to ask for help a the local food bank 

10 - you dont have to do what everyone else is doing ...

that's marriage, kids, home, --- you can do whatever you dream of in this lifetime!  - live and let live. it'd your timeline  ;)

be good to yourself, be kind and keep working on that self care this year  and this holiday xx be grateful  x ck