So many of us compare on a daily basis - and while things are not what they seem - we still believe our own thoughts sometimes. In today's episode 130 we explore what a world beyond social media is like - and how people online or "influencers" are not important at all. They are not better than you - and they certainly don't hold the answers to life's most profound and deep questions. So why are you so attached to them and comparing? Well- today is your chance to let go - and realize how you can begin your own life at any moment and stop putting a high importance on something so petty - it will only lead to your own disappointment. The answer lies in going inward doing the work, unfollowing, rewiring what is important to you - and stop putting so much importance on petty ppl. You won't look back in 5, 10 or 20 years and regret this change -- trust me -- So stop looking around - and start doing things offline, for you that make you feel so good inside! Lenses//Phones down! Ask yourself - would you really trade lives with them? I think not. xx With love and thank you for listening xx ck