Thank you for Listening in 2022- your 2023 - is here and here's how to make it Fucking Brilliant:
- Start living a *real* healthy life, off of your screens - try the matcha cleanse or my clean green eats cleanse
- Be self aware - be mindful of others, mostly have respect for our community and our world in peace and cooperation
- Forgiveness when you are ready is key & you do not have to make a seat for them at your table - you can - however, let go
- Continue Education & read books, find credible sources to follow
- Unfollow stupid people & stop the comparing
- Live the Life you have Always Wanted - Now & take the steps to make your goals come to pass
- Set THREE GOALS for 2023 & see them come to pass, over the course of the year!
- We will all go through our own Kintsugi experience or Saturn return in massive suffering - they will all be different and not one person will escape them -- value these experiences, they too shall pass & learn from them
- When things are going well, notice it, value it - and let your GRATITUDE GROW! Be of better service.
Thank you for listening xx Candice