Happy Holidays Friends, I kept this podcast short today as I wanted you all to be with family, friends, loved ones and ... to please write at least 3 cards or emails to the ones you love, today .

-I wish for you to find kindness in this world
-Let's ask more of the question "How can I help?"
-We can try our best to try to not judge others - and this is hard - it will take time!
-I wish for you to know how loved you are
-I want each of us to be the change we wish to see - take action
-Look for kindness in another person - and a big heart
-Lastly - I wish for you to be able to seek out your dream and fulfill your life's calling
-Let's listen more this year - and support our friends & loved ones through the worst of times
-Learn more about your own friends & family + show them through action how much you care
xx with love xx now go write your cards! xxCandice