Moms in America have always gotten a raw deal, but nothing showed it more than the pandemic. With no paid leave, the fight for flexible work, and discrimination in the workplace, it’s no wonder 85% of Millenial women say being a mom is a struggle right now. But help is on the way—Reshma Saujani, the woman who founded Girls Who Code and the Marshall Plan for Moms, is here and she’s on a mission. Her new book, Pay Up: The Future of Women and Work, is calling for private and public policies to completely reconfigure the workplace. “Cancel all the women's empowerment series that you have!” is her message for employers, “and focus your company on how you are going to change all your corporate policies to make it possible for women to work and have kids.” She’s got ideas – and the track record to prove she can make them come to life. Is this the woman who’s about to change everything for moms across America? Our host Amanda de Cadenet finds out. 

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