Steff Green is a USA Today bestselling author of supernatural romance books. She earns a multi-six figure income self-publishing stories about vampires and witches, and speaks online and all over the world about how authors can find their audience and build a badass writing career through self-publishing. Oh, and she's legally blind.

Steff Green - Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Started writing fiction stories at a very young age, sent a manuscript to the publisher of GoosebumpsWanted to be like Snoopy and fly a dog house and shoot down the Red Baron; still wants to fly somedayFell in love with dinosaurs; wanted to be a paleontologist; all she wanted to do was dig up bonesBig Veer! fell in love with ancient Egypt; wanted to be an archeologist; studied in UniversityVolunteered at dig sites in cool places like Crete, worked at a museum; ran into a wall against being a blind archeologist; was asked "what if you fall in the well?" What job/work would you do that where no one can so ask you "what if you fall in the well"? I would write fiction Wrote fiction; learned copy writing; started freelancing while working jobs; finally got a book dealBook deal vanished when her editor left the publishing house; good news she still owned the book seriesFifty Shades of Grey was real popular; she read it and thought it was not so great; her girlfriend loved it, told her she couldn't write a book like that; challenge accepted!



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