Sameera Khan is a Physician’s Assistant and Registered Dietitian in the field of Obesity management. She specializes in helping teens and adults lose weight. With two bachelors in Nutrition and Physician Assistant studies along with a masters in Health care management , Sameera is going for her doctorate in physician assistant studies this summer. She also taught nutrition at a local community college. Sameera spent the last 20 years of her career as obesity expert for large health care systems and has worked with hundreds of obese clients. She sees firsthand what the life of an obese client looks like. Sameera works with them to help them create a life that they will love years after reaching their weight loss goals. Her first book as an author " Regain Be Gone" is out in bookstores in March 2020

Sameea Khan Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in India and wanted to be a doctor, but that didn't work out; she became a dietitian Was married in a traditional Indian arranged marriage; but that didn't work out and she divorcedShe had to learn how to take care of herself and her children and realized she could not make ends meet with a dietitian salary; studied for 2 years while working full time and became a Physicians Assistant Realized that people who struggle with weight loss need support and accountability on their journeyPeople need to want to loose weight; you can't tell them too; once they commit they still need lots of supportPeople eat and drink alcohol for all sorts of reasons, many times to create or avoid emotion; like comfort food; and "party!" drinking Sometimes we drink beer to alleviate pain both physical and emotional; or just to take the edge of stress and anxiety

Sameera Khan Connections


Book: Regain be GONE!