Sam Gaylord is an Entrepreneur, business owner, Podcaster, and family man who happens to use the practice of law to make a living.  Representing injured workers at day and podcasting on helping attorneys with their practice at night.

Sam Gaylord Vroom Veer Stories

Went to 3 different high schools; band was the consistent element that helped keep him sane
Band continued into school at Syracuse University where he was an Eagle Scout of Band Geekdom
Double Major'ed in History and Political Science; that's what lawyers did then; learned about parties as a sophomore
Worked while attending law school for 3 years; summered in "school" in Italy and backpacked around Europe
One year clerkship; missed the New Jersey bar exam by one point; framed the 3x5 card
Sold insurance for about a year; cold call selling clients; learned the sales grind
Great April Fool's joke on Sam by his future employers; heart attack averted
Teaching young lawyers from what he has learned about the business side of a law practice

Sam Gaylord Links

Sam's Law Practice

The Law Practice Doctor Podcast