Robert Klinck (aka "Bobby") is an intellectual property attorney, who helps entrepreneurs, startups, and innovators harness the power of their intellectual property rights and reduce exposure to lawsuits or brand challenges in the marketplace.  Bobby prides himself on making the complex issues related to intellectual property understandable for non-lawyers. He has published two books about intellectual property law.  The Entrepreneur’s IP Planning Playbook and Patent Litigation Primer. He is currently working on a more ambitious project – a book to provide entrepreneurs with an overview of how to craft an intellectual property strategy from start to finish. Bobby has his law degree cum laude from Harvard Law School.
Robert Klinck Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up on the Texas-Mexico boarder; Dad ran a drug store
More academic than athletic but played all the sports up to his Freshman year
Veered away from a double-major undergrad degree; finished a humanities degree in 3 years
Accepted to Harvard Law school mostly based off his standardized test scores
Culture shock; moving from south Texas to Harvard; he felt more than a little out of place
Well placed law clerk position working for a famous judge while still in Law School
Worked in corporate law for a brief period; knew right away it wasn't for him
Became a federal prosecutor in Arkansas; got to work cases within months
Started working for a start-up law practice with 2 partners; didn't end well
Created Klinck LLC to help entrepreneurs plan for intellectual property from the start

Robert Klinck Links
Robert's Web Site

Social Media
Twitter - @BobbyKlinck
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