Regina Drury has been producing podcasts since 2014 (off and on). She is a widowed single mom of 9 yr old triplet girls and also hosts 2 podcasts, one called The Inspired Startup ( It's a 5 day per week show where she talks with inspiring business owners about their business using her 5M formula (Motivation, Model, Marketing, Management, Method)

The second is a hobby show that releases randomly and is called Multiple Personalities ( It was created to help support and uplift parents of multiples (twins, triplets, quads, etc).

When not engrossed in production or kid's activities, Regina enjoys reading and watching science fiction shows and attending scifi and podcasting conventions

Regina Drury Vroom Veer Stories

High School was strange because she was involved in a very strict church...not allowed to wear pants
Hacked High School!  Graduated a year early at a different school w/ extra credit
College was even more strict, but she was able to study music
Met and married her husband at age 21; started 10 years of infertility treatments
During those 10 years, earned 2 bachelor degrees and a Master's Degree
Had Triplets!  Three girls..instant family!
Her husband started getting headaches and throwing up everyday...she didn't know about the throwing up
Made her husband go to the emergency room, they found a tumor
Lost her husband to brain cancer a rare form of melanoma that started in the brain
Put off grieving and went into survival mode for years, until one of her girls made her own sandwich
Found John Lee Dumas and had a "A-HA" moment...she could take time for herself
Started her own business as a consultant helping business owners and people who want to start a business

Regina Drury Links

Regina's Website (

The Inspired Startup Podcast

The Multiple Personalities Podcast