Raj Daniels is a well-known Dallas business evangelist and community builder. In his immediate past role, he served as CEO of the OpenTime software platform. His book For You, From Me describes his philosophy for being mindful and connecting with others.

Raj is a firm believer in contributing back to society and has given back by conducting personal growth seminars for teens, mentoring MBA students and entrepreneur camps. He has also served on the board of for profit and non-profit organizations.

Raj Daniels Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in London; parents were from East Africa; and he has family in India; move to Dallas in the 80's; global perspective.  Fun fact:  Dad worked for British Rail at London Bridge
Wore uniforms in secondary school (that's high school in the states); probably looked like Hogwarts; it was an all boys school; didn't have to be distracted by girls or clothes
Book:  The Fish that Ate the Whale - Tells the story of how much work it takes to put fruit on your table (Affiliate link that Jeff's get paid from if you click and buy...chu-CHING!)
Took the scenic route to college; work in his father's convenience store business; went to flight school and flew airplanes for fun; really enjoyed flying them upside down; which is frowned upon when flying commercial aircraft; eventually went back and starting taking college classes with intention and goals
Found while he was working large real estate deals, that many people were asking him for help to set up a business; then he found out there was a thing in the corporate world called strategy consulting that he enjoyed; turns out he needed an MBA to do that; so he got one
Briefly worked in a big consulting company; found out he didn't really fit in with the big corporate culture; so he moved on to freelance work
Self-employed/entrepreneurs having a different view of money; the corporate answer is "throw money" at problems; where Raj wanted all the dollars he spent to come home with friends.
Fun discussion about meditation; interesting experiences, benefits, and the pros and cons for paying for meditation training; you can learn to meditate without paying money; but some people may get the benefit of having "skin in the game" if they pay $X for training in meditation
Immortality is a life goal!  Kinda of a joke; but really talk about life extension, the singularity and in the future life may become more "optional" than mandatory

Raj Daniels Connections

Raj Daniels' Website

OpenTime App


 Amazon Affiliate for Raj's Book...(click here to pay Jeff!)