Pratima Aravabhoomi is an amazing person to talk to...perfect for my show. Willing to discuss all the little struggles that we ALL go through, but never share on social media (wonder why?).  That's ok, take a break from swiping for all while and check out another Best of VVV that you might have missed.
Pratima Aravabhoomi (pronounced pruh-TEE-muh AH-ruh-VAH-BHOO-mee) is a designer, quote expert and the founder of She is on a mission to help you achieve your goals, be happy, and pass on the inspiration to everyone around you through her designs.
Pratima Aravabhoomi Vroom Veer Stories

In India, didn't really like school too much, but loved to learn
In college, only attended one math class, skipped all the others
At age 20, got married through an arrangement; moved from India to Alabama
Later, words saved her life when she had thoughts of suicide; helped her think things through
Job of a lifetime offer rescinded because she failed a mandatory fire safety test
Re-married and moved to Silicon Valley; worked at Apple as a consultant; didn't drink the cool aid
Inspired by the words that saved her life; created Craft Street Design creating beautiful inspirational words

Pratima Aravabhoomi Links
Steve Pavlina Article on Priming