Peleg Top is an artist, a speaker, and a Creative High Growth mentor. At 23, he founded Top Design, a premier branding and design agency in Los Angeles specializing in entertainment and cause-related work. He authored several design books and was a sought out speaker at creative conferencesaround the world.

After two successful decades, he sold his agency and transitioned to a new vocation as a business mentor and a spiritual director. Peleg is the creator of the “100 Days of Creative High Growth” program - a soul awakening course that guides people on a powerful path of rediscovering their creative free spirit and expressing their authentic voice.

As a spiritual director, Peleg teaches tools and rituals that help creative professionals at a crossroads reconnect with their inner soul artist and reinvent their lives.

Over the past 25 years, Peleg has spoken in front of thousands and in intimate one-on-one interviews. He is passionate about spreading his message of love, creativity, and abundance to leaders in the creative world.

Peleg Top Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in Tel Aviv in Israel until he was 15, then moved to Los Angeles; it was a big change but not as shocking as you might expectTel Aviv was like living in a war zone, terrorist attacks and bombings were a part of daily life; Dad worked as a aircraft mechanic so got access to cheap/free flights, visited the states when he was nine years old and the whole country felt like DisneylandAfter 18 years of marriage and a tough divorce and the death of his cat, his spiritual director suggested he put his stuff in storage and travel; he sold his house and travelled for 2 yearsHad a rivalry with his younger brother who was stealing all of the attention; fought a lot with brother during childhood but made amends laterHis youngest brother was 13 years younger than him; he feels like that was his "parenting" role and he never felt drawn to have kids of his ownSuggests that instead of asking "What's next?" Ask "Who do I want to become?" How can I listen to that still small voice and be my most authentic self.Cannabis and Alcohol could not more different; Cannabis is medicine and should be used with intention and for healing


School of Creative High Growth