Nigel Bennett was shocked to witness first-hand the real impact of oil spills on our natural world. After almost being shot down by FARC guerrillas on the Venezuela-Colombia border and being forced to escape Egypt while working for his father's oil spill contingency planning company, he decided to break away and start Aqua-Guard Spill Response. Aqua-Guard now provides equipment and services that protect water, the planet's most precious resource, in 104 countries.

2012, Nigel set up his business to run without him, See what he did
with his new found freedom and see how he (with the help of his coach)
has been able to create a life that most people dream of.

Take That Leap recounts Nigel's unanticipated adventures as an entrepreneur, emerging philanthropist and always avid outdoors man. Get inside his head as he negotiates deals with the big boys and wrestles with the myths surrounding work/life balance and being an entrepreneur. Be there with him through the crazy challenges of simultaneously launching a startup and a family all the way through to the even zanier challenges of becoming a steward of Pachamama (mother Nature).

Follow this daredevil as he tests his limits in extreme outdoor adventures, builds homes for the homeless with his wife and children, and discovers his big "Why?" with the indigenous people of the Amazon.

Nigel Bennett Vroom Veer Stories

Born in Wales; immigrated to Vancouver at the age of 4; Dad was a merchant marineGrew up struggling with ADD and dyslexia; later re framed his situation as a "gift" instead of a challengeWorked with his dad's oil clean up business for about 10 years; learned the oil clean up business inside outAmazing story about a big veer with scary guys in Egypt; changed his relationship with his dad A helicopter ride taking pictures he is not supposed to take at age 22; felt a responsibility to clean up oil from waterBreaking away from his Dad's company and starting his own business with his sister How a Ayahuasca ceremony took him on a journey and helped him decided not to sell his business for a pile of money


