Natalie and Bob believe that epic love IS possible, and that relentlessly honest communication is the key to having it. They are trained life coaches, founders of Sex the Podcast, and creators of the Open Relationship Design eCourse. As lovers, partners, and friends they help couples in committed relationship shift from struggle and stuck patterns to create deep ease, connection, and intimacy in their sex lives and relationships. They also work with singles who are ready to stop settling for more of the same, and call in the relationship of their dreams.

Natalie and Bob Vroom Veer Stories

Natalie shares about being a late bloomer with sex, dating and relationships
When Natalie decided to learn about sex, she tried to over achieve
Bob was also a late bloomer to sex, dating and relationships and felt "broken"
Getting over shame is a ongoing process, Jeff and Bob are still a work in progress
Clear honest communication comes first with oneself and THEN with partner
How Natalie and Bob help their clients to get clear about what they want.
How the new normal in dating is now online dating instead of meeting in bars
How to talk to women out in the world, like at Trader Joes or Whole Foods.

Natalie and Bob Links

Natalie and Bob the web site

Sex the Podcast