Michelle Gomez is an accomplished business executive, with nearly 2 decades worth of experience in the male-dominated transportation and logistics industry. She has been a strong advocate for women in the workforce; mentoring dozens of women to personal and professional success. A self-proclaimed reformed Corporate Burnout, Michelle managed to find a slower pace of career that allowed her time and space to address the Impostor Syndrome in her own life. Michelle then turned her attention to helping other high achievers recognize and overcome their own Imposter Syndrome struggles, writing a book about her own journey. Now she’s bringing her story and experience to others, helping high achievers overcome Imposter Syndrome for their own career success.

Michelle Gomez Vroom Veer Stories

Dream come true moment; published her first book on Amazon--Own your Brilliance:  Overcome Impostor Syndrome for Career Success (see link below for a free download link)
Cut her teeth in the transportation and logistics industry; which turns out to be male-dominated; this is industry is easy to get in and hard to get out; much like the mafia
Logistics was the industry that let her use the skills that made her weird; attributes like obsessive perfectionist working hard to get things from point A to point B on-time and under budget.
After working in Logistics for about 12 years she had grown up; got married; had two kids; realized that her identity most 80 percent 20 percent family and 0 percent for Michelle
Realized she was not happy; she was exhausted; weight loss/gain; hair loss high anxiety--BURNOUT!
Job environment became toxic; work was no longer fullfulling her needs and desires but was still 80% of her identity; started to question who am I?  What am I doing?
Impostor Syndrome is difficulty in internalizing success; on the outside and on paper your life/career look amazing; inside your head you are constantly afraid of being found out to be a fraud; phony; schlub, impostor
The fear of being found out drives you to win one more day; you need other people to tell you that you are ok; but you never really believe them
Michelle's father was abusive; an addict and a womanizer; her brother was also an addict and went to prison; Michelle was the first-born child and took on a lot of responsibility to succeed at everything to support her mother
Michelle tried to be perfect and fix her family; later she realized that it was not her burden to carry; everyone has their own stuff
Applied for graduate school and got accepted; but needed to quit her job to do; pray for an opportunity that would allow her to slow down; that showed up as a great work from home job with no direct reports--perfect!
Developed her good morning routine; reading; writing; praying, mediation
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz - Amazon Affiliate Link
She learned the secret to saying no; and a great "Friends" reference

Michelle Gomez Connections

Link above includes:

Free copy of her eBook
Free Strategy Call
Free Assessment