Michael Kohan, or Mukunda Chandra das (affectionately known as Mukunda) is dedicated to helping his clients and students find balance in all aspects of their lives—emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well being.  Mukunda is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Life Coach, a 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Vedic Thai Yoga Body Work Practitioner who works with others to help them restore balance in their lives by helping them to make healthier and more conscious lifestyle choices. True harmony is achieved through developing a balanced cooperation between mind, body and soul. Living in this world can be tough at times, but when we learn simple spiritual tools for healing and maintenance, life can be much easier. Mukunda’s goal is to help clients and students to discover the skills to help them move forward in all areas of their lives. Mukunda feels that his purpose is to serve others through his teaching, by encouraging students and clients to become steadfast in their own practices, while integrating spiritual and mindful living into their day-to-day lives. Mukunda met his spiritual mentor (Guru) H.H. Radhanatha Swami and after several years of formal study under his Guru, which included systematic reading of spiritual texts, dedicated practice of mantra meditation, rising early for morning services, and regulating his cooking and diet, Mukunda received formal initiation into his spiritual lineage in 2013.

Michael Kohan Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up as most GenXer's, running around outside all day without safety equipment
Smart nerdy kid who hung out with the popular party kids in high school
Was "The man" on campus; knew everybody--didn't go to class much
Married his girlfriend of 5 years; she left him after 6 months of marriage; the why is interesting
Worked in corporate American for 15 years; had the six-figure salary; needed to change
Moved in with his mom again; became a yoga instructor; found that it was more difficult to make money
His Yoga mentor offered him a chance to get an official guru or teacher; lived as a monk for 3 years

Michael Kohan Links

Your Wellness Yogi Website

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