Mac Prichard is the founder and publisher of Mac's List, an online community for people looking for rewarding, creative, and meaningful work. More than 80,000 people a month visit the site, which includes a job board, a blog, and courses about the nuts and bolts of job hunting and career management.

A leading career expert, Mac helps people who are looking for a job during all of life's transitions: millennials getting a first job, midlife professionals switching sectors, parents getting back to work after raising a family, or baby boomers who want to change careers.

Mac is proud to own two registered B-Corp companies, which use the power of markets to solve social and environmental problems. His is the author of "Land your Dream Job Anywhere" and hosts the weekly podcast, Find Your Dream Job.

Mac Prichard Vroom Veer Stories

Why we need to get off the computer and talk to people before we interview
8 of 10 jobs are never listed on job boards, those are filled through "word of mouth"
How to get an "informational interview" with someone in your field
Why building relationships should come become you send a resume; and how to "give first"
Volunteering in groups related to your desired field can help you build real relationships
Finding a great job is a skill that we all need to learn and continually hone
Networking doesn't have to feel icky, if you ask the person how you can help them

Mac Prichard Connections