Kristin Thompson's popularity has skyrocketed as she's gained recognition in recent years as a top speaker and coach helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants grow their business by speaking their mission and serving their purpose in a way that naturally transitions more prospects into paying clients.  Using speaking as her top marketing strategy Kristin has built a multiple six-figure business working 3 days a week, and she wants to show you how to do the same.

(This was originally recorded for a another podcast of mine, AND Kristin is great for this show as well...until I can get her re-booked, please enjoy this chat from Summer 2014)

Kristin Thompson Vroom Veer Stories

Made a conscious choice with her husband to veer away from the corporate job to raise a family
Found an amazing opportunity earning great money as a speaker...with no speaking experience (gulp)
Learned she really loved speaking and made it the foundation of her business
Burnt out her adrenals and learned she had to invest in self care
When you are over tired you don't notice until AFTER you get some good sleep
Told her assistant NOT to book her lunch break, even if she tells her too
Great story about making more money and not feeling "the rush" of victory

Kristin Thompson Link

Kristin's Web Site