Kim Ades  is the president and founder of Frame of Mind Coaching and JournalEngineTM Software. Author, speaker, entrepreneur, coach, and mother of five, Kim is recognized as one of North America's foremost experts on performance through thought mastery. By using her unique process of integrating online journaling in her coaching, Kim helps her highly-driven clients to examine and shift their thinking in order to yield extraordinary results.

Kim Ades Vroom Veer Stories

Little Kim was very shy and quiet and afraid to engage with other children
In 7th grade (or grade 7), she was frightened and intimidated by a bigger girl for "giving her a look"
Kim dreamed of helping (coaching) this girl on a roller coster for many years
In High School, Kim was like Lucy in the Peanuts the school psychologist...hung out with all the groups
Found out she excelled at and enjoyed making cold calls in she started he own balloon business
Got her MBA while she was still in her early 20's and went and got a corporate job
Found out she really didn't like corporate culture
Started a new company that used a software assessment tool to help companies hire better candidates---gathered loads of data
The data showed that one's frame of mind and was the key factor in determining success or failure
Big veer when she divorced her husband and sold her shares in the company
Looked around at the current "accountability" based coaching and thought she could do better
Created Frame of Mind Coaching and used JournalEngine (TM) Software to help clients 1) see their thoughts and beliefs and 2) figure out if those matched with what they really wanted

Kim Ades Links

Kim Ades would like to invite you to take a frame of mind assessment! Click here to get started.

About the Frame of Mind Assessment:

After filling out your basic contact information, you will be directed to a quick questionnaire and a few journaling prompts. Answering all of the questions will allow you to pinpoint the areas of your life that are working and the ones that require more attention. The journaling prompts near the end will give you the opportunity to share anything that may be causing frustration in your life.

This is a fantastic opportunity to take stock of where you are and what you want for your future. This assessment will cause you to think. You will learn about your desires, your goals and where you stand in relation to them. When was the last time you thought about the stuff that is most important to you?

After you complete and submit the assessment, you will be contacted by the FOM team. They will schedule time, at your convenience, to review your responses and introduce you to the unique Frame of Mind Coaching method.

You will be amazed to discover how much insight you can acquire from this one short exercise. So many people who have taken this session have said that it's transformational.