Kevin Roth is a renowned dulcimer artist, singer, author, and songwriter. He has recorded 65 albums, won numerous awards, and sang the theme to the hit PBS TV show Shining Time Station.

His life was transformed in 2015 when he was told he had stage-three melanoma and only a couple of years to live, he had a choice: get busy living or accept dying. Somehow, despite an amazing music career, Kevin had always found it difficult to simply be happy. He’d had a wake-up call, and he decided to do something about it. He envisioned a new, fun, and fulfilling life and set about making the necessary changes. Now, he wants to help you do the same.

Kevin Roth Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in Philly up to the age of 13, great place to grow up with many cool neighborhoods to hang out

Started his music career at age 16! Learned piano by ear in as a young child

Was told that his kind of Melanoma gave him a 70% chance of coming back after his surgery and if that did come back he would be dead in 2 years; he didn't believe that and it turned out to be not true, but he did need to change his life and heal his body

He moved from Kanas to SoCal near San Diego and found a apartment he could afford even though everyone told him he couldn't find a place for $1000/month but he did

He healed his body by losing weight mostly by paying down $83K in debt; he paid a lawyer a couple hundred dollars and got the credit company to cut his debt in half; then he negoiated a payment plan to pay down the rest of the debt

Found "Section 8" housing in California that turns out to be subsised by the governemnt to provide low cost housing for those 55 and older

His music career got a real jolt from recording the theme song for the hit PBS TV show “Shining Time Station” based on Thomas the Tank Engine

In 2016 he started working as a life coach giving people practical advice from a point of view of non-dualism; Kevin explains that this life is much like a movie and when we die maybe we just start watching a new movie

He made a video on YouTube where he asked God who he was…the response was 83K views and 604 comments that were mostly positive.

Show Summary

This episode of Vroom Vroom Veer begins with a brief intro by host Jeff Smith, after a lighthearted exchange with Angela Tipton. Tim Paige provides a narrative introduction to the show, emphasizing the theme of navigating life’s changes and the unique stories of guests who steer their lives in fulfilling directions.

Jeff introduces Kevin Roth, setting the stage for a detailed discussion. Kevin, located in Southern California, talks about his allergy difficulties due to local conditions, contrasting it with Jeff’s experiences in Las Vegas.

Kevin dives into his multifaceted career, explaining his transition from a musician to a life coach consultant, highlighting his niche in using dulcimer music as a therapeutic tool in what he calls ‘dulcimeditation.’ He also mentions his satirical take on spirituality with his 'Guru Puppet.'

As the conversation progresses, Kevin recounts his geographical and career transitions, discussing his past residences and how regional cultural differences influenced his life and work. They touch on the distinct vibes of various locations, with brief mentions of Kevin’s experiences in Philadelphia and his connections to the entertainment industry in LA.

Jeff redirects the conversation towards Kevin’s past, touching on his early life, his musical influences, and brief yet meaningful anecdotes about his formative years. Kevin talks about his journey into and through the world of music and the personal and career growth he experienced along the way.

The dialogue veers into deeper waters as Kevin discusses overcoming a serious melanoma diagnosis, detailing his emotional and physical battles and eventual recovery, which was closely tied to significant life changes and a shift towards a more fulfilling lifestyle.