Kevin Donlin has been in marketing since 1994, when he sold one of the first ebooks. Since 1998, he’s been a copywriter and marketing advisor, delivering sales gains of more than $1 million on multiple occasions to clients. He's author or co-author of 5 books, including the new "Marketing Multipliers.
Kevin Donlin Vroom Vroom Veer

A jock in high school; also got highest score in his city college entrance exam
That test score earned him $250 per month; beer money!
Started teaching English in Japan; got to write text books too; created a job
Made in 1994; looked up UPS boxes too and did a little marketing for FedEx
Thought about being a high school teacher; decided it wasn't for him after subing for two years
Created the Paper Email by printing an email and mailing it to Seth Godin; Seth called!
Marketing Multipliers are a low/no cost tool to greatly increase effectiveness of marketing

Kevin Donlin Connections
Website (Client Cloning System)