Kate Stalter is a licensed investment advisor representative, and the founder of Better Money Decisions, a fee-only investment advisory firm with offices in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Scottsdale. She is an investment columnist for Forbes, US News & World Report, TheStreet.com and Seeking Alpha, and host of the America Talks Money financial podcast. She previously hosted the “Small-Cap Roundup” radio show, the “Daily Guru” feature on MoneyShow.com and served as an investing coach for Investor’s
Business Daily.

Kate Stalter Vroom Veer Stories

Dad worked for Eastman Kodak when during her childhood; they moved often
Majored in English for undergrad; attended Columbia Film school for one semester; it was dumb
Started working various jobs as a journalist; continued to move around often
Worked at Variety covering technology in Entertainment in the 90's; think AOL, Compuserve
Landed at Investors Business Daily and stayed their 10 years working a variety of jobs
Started her business on the side while still making money as a writer
Re-connected with a former co-worker at Investors Business Daily who became her biz partner

Kate Stalter Links

Better Money Decisions Website

Contact Kate at [email protected] for a free portfolio review