Kala Philo is an online marketer, entrepreneur, and founder of the slow travel and cultural exploration blog, La Vida with Wings.

After spending 15 years as a marketing video consultant and producer for small businesses and nonprofits in Austin and Northern California, Kala left the nest really empty after her youngest daughter graduated from high school.

She sold or donated anything that didn’t fit in her car, gave up her lease, and spent the next 18 months traveling solo across the US, Mexico, and Ecuador.  During this time, Kala also directed her attention to building her professional network and online marketing skills to start a location independent business to support her slow travel lifestyle. 

Now, using Mexico City as a base, Kala travels with her partner, Sergio Zavala, who was born and raised there. Through a bicultural lens, they hope to inspire others that are curious about transitioning a full-time travel lifestyle.  Through her blog, La Vida with Wings, Kala updates her followers on local culture, food, customs and “slice of life” stories that arise from staying in one place for several weeks, as well as adventures of building a life with a partner from another culture.  In addition, she teaches her readers about full-time travel by providing: strategies for starting location-independent businesses, tips for downsizing possessions, and methods for maximizing the slow travel experience. Kala is bilingual in Spanish and English.

Kala Philo Vroom Veer Stories

Moved around a lot during childhood:  Iowa, East Coast and High School was in Texas
Kala was the introverted high academic achiever in high school
The architecture major didn't survive orientation, she changed to a business major
First job was in retail, why?  Because it was retail in Los Angeles which would feed her Wanderlust
Spent 15 years working as a video producer, editor, and videographer; married with children
Several recurring threads were woven through her life:  video, empowering women, and latin culture
There is a big difference between what boomers call retirement and what Gen X wants to do "after work"
Big move came after a divorce and her youngest child graduating from high school
How Kala met Señor Guapo; and tips for folks thinking about a slow travel lifestyle

Kala Philo Connections

