Joshua Latimer left his “safe and secure” job as a banker for JP Morgan Chase to start a cleaning business at the age of 25, while his wife was pregnant with their first child. Joshua wanted to build a local business, while creating time and freedom for himself and his family.

He grew the business until it was generating over $150,000 a month in revenue and then sold it to a national buyer. During the last two years that he owned his company, he only worked 5 hours / week on the business, but it still grew at 35% per year. Joshua is passionate about business systems and how they can change your life.

Joshua Latimer Vroom Veer Stories

High School Football QB; lost home coming game 69-0 as QB--record stands
Grew up in near Flint Michigan, family thinks he's crazy moving to Costa Rica
Had the entrepreneurial bug early on; never wanted to have a J.O.B
Earned his degree in pain with many tries at business ventures--learned his lessons
Got a great job at J.P. Morgan Chase, quit to start a window cleaning business
Those lessons paid off and he created a successful business which he was able to sell

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