Jonathan Gillham co-founded a successful digital asset acquisition firm.  Owns over 6000 websites generating 6 figures month.  Former Exxon Mobile Engineer.

Jonathan Gillham Vroom Veer Stories

Woke up one morning to negative six figure day - learned a valuable lesson in risk and vulnerability in business (and life)
How to explain Block Chain tech to a 5 year old; or even Jeff Smith - I think I finally get it
Grew up in Collingwood, Onatrio and was very into outdoor adventures like downhill skiing
Thought he would enjoy building ski lifts so he studied to be a Mechanical Engineer
Worked for an Oil Company for seven years; one day realized he had become "the man"
While working his job; started "playing" with building small websites to generate a little side money
Went all in on the website business, eventually owing 6000 websites
That landed him a job with and started learning about how block chain tech can help fix a broken online adverting space

Jonathan Gillham Connections

