Johnny FD says:
I'm Johnny and my goal is to document and share my journey as a location independent entrepreneur with my friends and family.
In 2008 I quit my well paid corporate job in California to move to Thailand to follow my passions and work as a Scuba Diver around the world. It was in Thailand that I spent the next 3 years training professionally as a Muay Thai Fighter and fighting professionally. In 2013 I started my first online business through publishing a book on Amazon Kindle, then replaced my 9-5 income by starting a dropshipping store which I later sold for $60k which I invested into growing passive income.

Since then I have generated well over a million dollars in online business and have sold three more stores since then. I've been earning over six figures ($150,000 or more) each year while traveling the world and have visited over 50 countries.  Now I spend my time traveling the world as a digital nomad, living off of and creating new streams of passive income, investing, and giving back by hosting the annual Nomad Summit conference. It's been 10 years since I started traveling and living the dream and i've documented the entire journey so you can follow along and do it yourself as well!

Johnny FD Vroom Veer Stories

Followed the "rules" was a good student in H.S; went to college; got a good job--was miserable

Bought a bunch of expensive stuff trying to impress girls; that didn't make him happy
Was using a bunch of pick up lines in bars and buying expensive clothes all to try to impress women
Went on a trip to Thailand and read the "Four Hour Workeeek" on the plane; fell in love with scuba diving on the last day of the trip
Went back to S.F. and sold all of his stuff and moved to Thailand to learn how to be a diving instructor
Traveled the world as a dive master; went diving everyday for almost four years; most people save money for a whole year to one diving trip
Learned Muay Thai kickboxing; got his ass kicked on his first fight; got better through six professional fights

Semi-Retired at age 35 working various online businesses including writing a book about living in Thailand on the cheap; and a drop shipping company selling high-end furniture from Thailand

Johnny FD Connections